Great news! Konexio’s training of trainers in Jordan has reached its end and student training is underway! Jesuit Refugee Services (JRS) trainers, Noor and Saba’a, began their digital training course at the end of July and are now Konexio-certified DIP trainers. The two trainers will now equip undeserved talent in Amman, Jordan, with the digital skills to earn an income and thrive in society. Starting October 2rd, a cohort of 30 students with JRS Jordan began Konexio’s Digital Inclusion Program (DIP), which will last until March 2023.
“These are exciting times for us! I am feeling empowered after completing this course, to support the DIP students in their journey to pursue digital livelihoods online ” Said Saba’a, JRS DIP trainer. “I can’t wait to begin working with the students in October to introduce them to the abundance of opportunities available online. My goal is to help them make the most they can from the digital economy, and adapt quickly to new and unexpected occupations available online.”
Konexio Lead Trainer Ayusa said, “What impressed me most is the perseverance of the trainers to push through the training despite the bumps we hit along the way and the daily work they have at the JRS Center. I commend how receptive they were to feedback and their curiosity to learn. Our mantra was, "If I don't know, I will know."”
Thanks to the hard work and dedication of the training team and the JRS staff, we have a smooth start to the student freelance training, an adventure that is set to accelerate social and professional inclusion for underserved talent in Amman, Jordan.
We look forward to following their six month training. More to come!