Lost professionally after graduating from high school, Mugilan was looking for training that would allow him to access job opportunities. Following a discovery workshop led by Konexio, Mugilan embarked on the DigiStart training program and rediscovered a passion for computers that had been driving him since childhood. Today, Mugilan dreams of a stable life as a web developer and intends to continue in this direction.
What did you do before joining DigiStart? What is your background?
After high school, I enrolled in a computer science degree but we only had one hour of practice per week. I got bored and I stopped. I tried other courses like biology, a materials technician certificate... but as I got older it was more and more difficult to find something. I wanted to find professional training and the local mission in Bondy told me about Konexio. I took part in a discovery workshop*, and the Konexio employees explained the courses to me and we did a code simulation. I then started DigiStart.
Why did you want to try coding?
After my bachelor's degree, I wasn't interested in computer science anymore, I was looking for a training with a job waiting at the end of it. Konexio explained the training offered to me very well and I wanted to go for it. There are many opportunities in this sector and you can do many different things.
What do you like about coding?
There are many ways to do something: harder, faster, simpler. You always have to learn, but you don't have to learn everything by heart, you can search and look on Google for things you don't know. You just have to know the basics.
What did you like during your training?
DigiStart made me like coding again after the license which had really put me off. With a lot of practice and exercises, you feel like you're really learning: you can do things on your own, even at a basic level, like coding a resume at the end. We learned a lot, we could ask a lot of questions. After 2 weeks of DigiStart training, I knew I wanted to continue with the DigiTous web developer training.
Why did you do this?
Thanks to DigiStart, I knew I could continue, that I would like it: I could make it my job. DigiTous only lasts 4-5 months and there is an internship afterwards to practice in a company. Having the certification and a degree will help me a lot for my future.
What do you like about being a web developer?
Creating things from scratch, being able to change them as we go along, seeing our creations.
And in tech in general?
The hardest thing after studying is to find a job with a stable life. IT is the best thing to find a job. And since I was little I loved computers, tech, computers, consoles. I always wanted to be in this field.
What do you like about your training?
The time is well distributed: morning classes and afternoon practice. We can ask questions to the trainers, they explain us well. The atmosphere is really nice too.
At Konexio, we put a lot of emphasis on soft skills, do you think it's useful?
Yes, I really enjoyed the CV workshop. At first I was afraid that it would be the same advice I’d heard before. But I learned things: what to put forward, what to take out. And focused specifically for developers: the fact that you have to put code skills first, the format etc.
And in 5 years, if you had a magic wand, where would you be?
I hope to be in a company and have a stable life.
*In order to raise awareness of job opportunities in the digital sector, Konexio regularly organizes "web developer awareness workshops" designed to showcase the reality of the profession through concrete examples and exercises (testimony of a digital professional, discovery game, etc.).