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Nairobi students begin freelancing online

Three months have passed since the launch of our Digital Inclusion Program (DIP) in Nairobi, in partnership with RefuSHE! This enthusiastic first cohort is now halfway through the 6-month program. After successfully completing training indigital basics and soft skills, the students are excited to begin freelancing online. During the Online Freelancing module, students will apply the soft and hard skills they acquired during the first part of the course.

For the next 3 months they will be engaged in practical exercises that will emulate actual projects they will find on freelance platforms, as well as enrolling on freelancing platforms and seeking their first professional opportunities. 

“The practical phase will help these young refugee women learn how to specialize their digital skills as they prepare to become independent professionals.” Says Cliford Otieno, RefuSHE’s digital skills and IT trainer. “The women are excited and a majority have already signed up to at least one freelance platform in preparation for practical guidance to online digital work.”



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