While Adora only joined the international team this past February, she hit the ground running. Thanks to her drive and dedication, she has already led an 8-week train-the-trainer session, enabling the launch of our program in the Kakuma Refugee Camp this past April. Her contributions extend beyond training; she has also created module assessments, final exams, standard academic ethics procedures, grading rubrics, and milestones for our participants to work towards whilst they complete the course.
We sat down with Adora to get to know her a bit better. Adora’s interview has been lightly edited for clarity and accuracy.
Q1: Please introduce yourself – what is your name, your current position
Hello, my name is Adora. My current position is curriculum developer and lead trainer for the international team at Konexio.
Q2: Tell us a little about your background – what was your journey before Konexio?
Before Konexio, I was a teacher and social emotional learning coordinator for about 6 years, so my primary experience is in early education and social emotional development with youth. What attracted me to Konexio was the opportunity to work in a setting where I could contribute to a cause with direct impact – like I think in education, in general, it's impactful because as an educator you directly and daily help students, and then the students turn around and teach one another and their families. Similarly, with Konexio, I really felt compelled to contribute to the curriculum and development for the refugees and be part of their introduction to digital learning and skills. I also thought it was a really cool opportunity and it feels good to do something in general that's impactful to those that need assistance.
Q3: What is your favorite aspect about working at Konexio?
I like that Konexio is a startup. I don't know if it's still technically a startup but I like being provided the opportunity to contribute to something bigger and to directly contribute to what's happening, what's going to take place in the future, as well as creating my ideas so that the organization can continue to grow.
Q4: What part of the Konexio mission do you most resonate with?
The Konexio mission of offering support in the form of providing individuals with tools and training that they can then use to generate income and support themselves resonates with me. There is nothing more impactful than sharing knowledge and I believe it is very powerful. Even though I am working remotely, I still feel like the work that I'm able to do, I hope, in the long run is beneficial to the participants and their families.
Q5: Do you have any tips for remote working?
During winter you must move every hour! You can't sit for long because you'll be frozen – or at least I was frozen [laughs]. Another tip I have is to have your favorite snacks – but only have your favorite snacks in small quantities or as rewards for completing tasks. And make sure to have a good instrumental playlist to work to!
Q6: What are your hobbies outside of work?
Traveling, and I like to go salsa dancing and trying to complete DIY projects. I’m also working to improve my Spanish and hope to end the year on a B1.
Q7: What’s your favorite content genre (horror, sci-fi, rom-com, etc.)?
I like mystery, thriller, action, and suspense types of movies. I’ve also recently become quite obsessed with Viking and period pieces, but honestly I like most genres, I’m not too picky as long as there’s popcorn.
Q8: Where’s the next place on your travel bucket list and why?
I'm hoping to go to Malaysia because I've never been to Asia before. I have a few friends there and they have invited me to go and so that's like my next huge trip that I'm quite nervous about but excited for at the same time!