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Konexio spreads its training courses to Est Ensemble (93)

The Est Ensemble territory, in partnership with the Île-de-France region and the European Social Fund, launched a Call for Expressions of Interest (CEI) initiative to enable the rise in digital skills of underserved communities. The rate of unemployment in the Est Ensemble territory is higher than in the rest of France, and the number of jobs in the digital sector has increased for several years. This AMI was aimed at organizations offering actions for young school dropouts, job seekers, or inactive young people, the target audiences of Konexio.

The reasons for a CEI in the Est Ensemble Territory

For several years now, the number of positions to be filled in the digital sector has been steadily increasing and companies have been unable to recruit. According to France Stratégie and Dares, 170,000 to 212,000 jobs in the digital sector will have to be filled by 2022 in France.

The neighborhoods targeted by the project face persistent high unemployment. The high level of unemployment particularly affects young people, 1 in 3 young people are unemployed in the agglomeration against 20% in the whole region, and it is explained, among other things, by a lower than average level of education.

These audiences are not very aware of the opportunities, because of the stereotypical representations of digital technology professions. It is traditionally seen as male-oriented, reserved for scientific profiles, and graduates with a minimum Bac + 5 level.

These stereotypes are not only shared by the target audience, but also by the training “prescribers” (social workers, associative partners, etc.) who, consequently, do not recommend these courses to their audiences. However, faced with the talent shortage, recruiters in the sector are increasingly opening themselves up to a wide variety of profiles: Bac + 2 level, less conventional paths, and people undergoing professional retraining.

Our support

In order to sensitize target audiences to digital culture in the face of a labor market impacted by the need for tech profiles, we will deploy our Code program which offers two training courses: DigiStart (36h), which is an introduction to code and web programming and DigiTous (600h), training to become a fullstack developer* (RNCP certified title, level 5, equivalent to BAC + 2). 100 hours of soft skills or interpersonal skills workshops are integrated into the DigiTous program in order to teach our learners the social codes necessary to integrate into the world of work (communication, teamwork, project management, etc.). We are co-building these workshops with our partner companies (salesforce, UiPath, etc.), offering learners a window into the world of work.

Two sessions will be organized:

Session 1:

  • Three DigiStart promotions from October 12, 2020 to December 17, 2020, 30 learners trained

  • A DigiTous promotion from February 22, 2021 to July 15, 2021, 20 learners trained

Session 2:

  • Six DigiStart promotions from April 19, 2021 to June 24, 2021, 90 learners trained

  • A DigiTous promotion from September 13, 2021 to February 11, 2022, 20 learners trained

That is a total of 160 learners trained by 2022!

 *a software expert who's equally proficient in frontend (client-side) development and backend (server-side) development



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