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​How digital skills help long term unemployed job seekers find jobs

Updated: May 11, 2024

Konexio is working with “Plan Local d'Insertion de l'agglomération Est Ensemble (93)” (PLIE), an integration program sponsored by regional governments, to create workshops that encourage motivation for finding a job through the acquisition of new digital skills. Because of COVID-19, long term unemployed job seekers who were being aided by the PLIE lost contact with their advisors, and found themselves even more isolated. Lack of internet access and lack of social power prevents these job seekers from finding employment independently. The PLIE coordinated with Konexio for the planning and running of a two day module aimed at giving participants the necessary digital skills to search for jobs on their own.

In small groups, the participants learned how to research fields that interested them, how to determine required skills and competencies, and how to create their CV and upload it to job boards. This workshop was funded by the European Social Fund.


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