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COVID-19: Confined But Not Sidelined!

As we face the COVID-19 pandemic together, Konexio continues its advocacy and support for those without digital skills. Digital skills have taken on a particular importance these past few weeks, as whole societies isolate at home. Whether teleworking, getting the latest public health guidelines, or checking in with loved ones over a video call, we rely on digital skills to keep our lives going and our communities safe. Meanwhile, those who lack computers, smartphones, internet connections, or the skills to use these technologies suffer disproportionately.

This is why Konexio’s work matters more now than ever. COVID-19 has thrown a spotlight on the digital divide and highlighted the consequences of digital inequality. In this moment of collective awareness, Konexio is increasing its mobilization, so that no one will have to be left behind.

Konexio’s COVID-19 Actions

Online class for our DigiStart Program

Online training

In order to ensure continuity and not compromise the skills development of our beneficiaries, we are adapting some of our courses to an online format

How you can help:

Do you have some free time and want to help people in exclusion to integrate into the job market? Come join the Konexio team to support our students as part of our Digistart computer code learning program 

Online Mentoring

As a part of Konexio’s commitment to holistic soft-skills development, we have developed an online mentoring program which offers one-on-one support for topics relating to professional integration, such as writing a CV and cover letter, preparing for a job interview, and strategizing for career growth. 

How you can help: Sign up to mentor a Konexio trainee! 


In Dzaleka refugee camp in Malawi, in partnership with JRS, we distributed laptops and data bundles to the students of the Digital Inclusion Programme so they can connect from home and continue improving their digital skills.


Mobilization in the Greater Community


Isolating at home doesn’t mean an end to collaborative problem-solving. Through this crisis, organizations and communities have come together to address issues caused by COVID-19. Konexio has been part of this collective mobilization by participating in a digital inclusion initiative co-piloted by the Mednum and the French Secretary of State in Charge of Digital Affairs, entitled “Solidarité Numérique” (Digital Solidarity), as well as a working group led by the High Commissioner for Refugees and the Interministerial Delegation for the Reception and Integration of Refugees focused on sharing good information and maintaining social ties. As part of this initiative, Konexio reaches out to community members who have difficulty speaking French and ensure that they receive relevant, up-to-date information. We are actively seeking volunteers to help us extend our reach in this project. 

How you can help: Do you speak a foreign language and want to help as a digital mediator? Send us an email at to let us know of your interest!

Thanks for taking a moment to connect with our mission of uplifting digitally underserved people. We will keep you informed on our website and social networks as our actions progress and evolve.

Until then, take good care of yourself and your loved ones.

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