Our location
in Kenya
Kenya is one of the most rapidly digitizing countries in the world, with over 90% of the population regularly using mobile payments, and government initiatives to build “digital superhighways” of fibre-based connectivity. Yet not everyone benefits from this transformation, with vulnerable communities experiencing up to 66% unemployment or underemployment.
Konexio is focused on Kenya as a target for scale, with a growing staff team based in Nairobi. Our projects in Kenya have trained 200+ participants to date, with 84% raising their income by graduation. Konexio first launched in Kenya in 2022, and 100% of participants are women.
Currently, we are operating in Kakuma refugee camp, partnering with the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) as well as employer partners such as Appen and Upwork, to train refugee women in digital literacy and online freelancing. We are also developing new initiatives to pilot in Kenya.

Our work in Africa is made possible through the generous support of our partners:


Testimonial from our partner
Enos Abelle Kabelle,
JRS Pathfinder Coordinator JRS Pathfinder
"What excites me about the DIP program in Kakuma is the fact that it’s a unique initiative that will not only impact the lives of the program beneficiaries, but the ripple effects will eventually be felt within the community. An empowered woman will be of great positive influence within the community."
Jesuit Refugee Service
JRS seeks to accompany, serve and advocate the cause of refugees and other forcibly displaced people so that they may heal, learn and determine their own future. JRS recognizes the resilience of refugees, and advocates for refugees’ right to work. It further facilitates access to employment markets and informal market economies.
JRS Kenya offers essential services, comprehensive case management, psychosocial support counseling and skills training. These services help refugees achieve stability and develop skills necessary to transition to more sustainable situations.
The Digital Inclusion Programs forms part of the JRS Pathfinder Program, which offers digital skills and courses on management, communication, and mentoring.

Testimonials from our learners
Konexio is a story of human connection, social impact, and solidarity.

“I feel hopeful. I have so much positivity about these students because one thing I know is that they have the skills that are required to continue making money online. I’m confident that, going out into the world, they’re going to change their lives by earning money online.”
DIP Trainer, 1st cohort, Kakuma, 2023

“Because I work in a solar installation, and I have a husband and a son to care for, it wasn't easy balancing work and family. But thanks to the skills I gained from the DIP, I can now work from home, which has made things easier. If I were to quit my job, these skills would allow me to remain independent and work while caring for my family at home.”
DIP Student

“The best advice I can offer is to never give up on life. When you put in effort, you'll achieve more. Opportunities rarely come, so if you miss one, it may not come again. If someone wants to join the DIP, I'd advise them to give it their all. I can demonstrate by my own experience: I'm not relying on my parents for money anymore; I'm self-reliant because of the skills I gained from the DIP.”
DIP Student
RefuSHE protects, educates, and empowers refugee girls and women to build more resilient futures for themselves and their families. Since 2008, RefuSHE has served thousands of women, girls, and children through our award-winning holistic model. The organization, which is based in Kenya provides the short and long-term support refugees need to become resilient and economically independent.

Contact us
Fabien de Castilla
Director of Africa programs

Digital Inclusion Program: Kakuma
The Digital inclusion program (DIP) is a six-month program that teaches students to earn an income via digital freelancing. Combining theory and practice, students begin earning after three months.The curriculum teaches both job-specific digital skills and how to run an online freelance business. Through the program, the learners receive support in overcoming administrative barriers, such as ID verification and access to financial services.
Programme objectives:
- To build local capacity in empowering and training underserved talent
- To provide digital upskilling solutions to underserved talent
- To connect our training to employment opportunities for the beneficiaries
Apprenticeship tax: Donate your apprenticeship tax to Konexio