Our location
in Jordan
Jordan faces one of the highest youth unemployment rates globally, with 42% of its youth unable to secure employment by 2022 according to the International Labor Organization.
Compounded by hosting over 700,000 refugees and nearly 11 million displaced individuals, the country grapples with even higher unemployment rates. Both refugee and host communities in Jordan struggle to access paid job opportunities, leading many young people to doubt the value of postsecondary education and training. Simultaneously, the global online labor market has expanded significantly, with approximately 56 million freelancers worldwide. As automation reshapes work processes, the demand for digitally skilled professionals is on the rise.
Innovative initiatives like the Digital Inclusion Program (DIP) aim to bridge the gap between employment opportunities and the demand for digital talent.

Apprenticeship tax: Donate your apprenticeship tax to Konexio
Konexio piloted in Amman, Jordan, from 2022-2023, in partnership with the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS), training 60 participants in digital skills for online freelancing. The project is currently no longer active as Konexio focuses its scaling efforts in East Africa.


Middle East
Digital Inclusion Program : Amman
The Digital inclusion program (DIP) is a six-month program that teaches students to earn an income via digital freelancing. Combining theory and practice, students begin earning after three months.The curriculum teaches both job-specific digital skills and how to run an online freelance business. Through the program, the learners receive support in overcoming administrative barriers, such as ID verification and access to financial services.
Programme objectives:
- To build local capacity in empowering and training underserved talent
- To provide digital upskilling solutions to underserved talent
- To connect our training to employment opportunities for the beneficiaries

Jesuit Refugee Service
JRS seeks to accompany, serve and advocate the cause of refugees and other forcibly displaced people so that they may heal, learn and determine their own future. JRS recognizes the resilience of refugees, and advocates for refugees’ right to work. It further facilitates access to employment markets and informal market economies.
JRS Kenya offers essential services, comprehensive case management, psychosocial support counseling and skills training. These services help refugees achieve stability and develop skills necessary to transition to more sustainable situations.
RefuSHE protects, educates, and empowers refugee girls and women to build more resilient futures for themselves and their families.Since 2008, RefuSHE has served thousands of women, girls, and children through our award-winning holistic model. The organization, which is based in Kenya provides the short and long-term support refugees need to become resilient and economically independent.

Testimonials from our learners
Konexio is a story of human connection, social impact, and solidarity.

“I used to think that self-employment did not bring a good income, that it was “fake”. But after I joined the course, learned important skills, and entered the field of self-employment, my view changed a lot. Before entering the course, I was lost and didn’t know what to do. The DIP gave meaning to my life and helped me define my field of work. I remember my pride and my smile after completing projects in the field of graphic design. Now, I’m a full-time graphic designer ! This program is unique and enables us to start a private business that provides us with a good income for living.”
DIP student

"Before I joined the DIP program, I was scared of trying freelancing because I thought it might be risky. But I knew some basic math and programming. DIP changed my mind about freelancing. Now, I can make money doing online jobs in web development and programming. Because of DIP, I'm now a full-time web developer freelancer."
DIP Student

"I have an intrinsic motivation for new programs. We live as refugees in Jordan, hopeless, and placed on a long waiting list for resettlement. We need to work hard for a good life. We are a big family, with five kids of varying ages… Freelance programs can add a lot to life. First, I can work independently and control my time, which is important to me as a mother. Also, my income will depend on my professional skills only. Practicing is the secret, along with patience."
DIP student
Contact us
Fabien de Castilla
Director of Africa programs